Days, times, and location

Check our Welcome page or Facebook for any last-minute plagues, flood, or fire.

Parking:  most of us park off Balerang St (drive to the end of the street and continue on following the signs for the dental hospital).  Parking is also available off Webster Road: there is a turning lane for outbound traffic.


Classes are Wednesdays from 7pm to 9:30pm at Stafford State School, corner of Webster and Stafford Roads, Stafford.  We run year-round with a small break in the Christmas period (once announced these details will be on our home page).

Here we teach Iberian swordsmanship in structured lessons, with a break midway where you can get to know your fellow fencers.

If you cannot attend consistently on Wednesday nights this will not be a problem – we provide you with a log book so you can keep track of which lessons you have covered.

Saturday Sparring

  • Saturdays, 8am to 9am at Quandeine St, Keong Park, Stafford

For those trained to sparring level BSIS offers free informal outdoors sparring. Come along for some friendly combat followed if you wish by delicious cake, coffee or breakfast nearby. This is the ideal opportunity to practice your Iberian technique and to resolve any queries about coursework.

Saturday sparring is fun and useful but not necessary.  We know that not everybody wants to get up early on Saturday mornings, even for swords.